Writing Non-Fiction

I’ve got an admission to make.

I’d love to write theological books.

I just can’t get the outline, the structure. I envy theologians who can churn out good, theologically sound books where they argue their point, you follow the flow, and the ideas are easily communicated.

I think I’m more hardwired to write a novel where people are trapped in a warehouse by dinosaurs than I am to write out a treatise on John Calvin.

A shame, really.

I sit every morning and do my study, reading a new systematic theology every year. I keep asking, what makes an R. C. Sproul? What makes a John MacArthur? What makes a James White?

Why can’t I write non-fiction? I try. I guess I’m just not wired that way.

Well, let me get back to my novel.


About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author