Why Self Published Authors Need a Writer’s Platform

In todays’ world. It’s well established that writers fall into to groups, those that have recognized that a platform is necessary, and those who have not. I didn’t like the idea, and voiced the same objection myself – if I do this, it leaves me less time to write.

However, unless I want to be the only person to read my writing, there’s no use fighting it. In this day and age, writers must have an active social media platform, on several outlets. This communicates your existence to potential readers, and makes them interested in reading your work.

On the writers’ group I’m part of, a new objection has been raised – “I’m self published, so I don’t need a writer’s platform.” On the contrary, you need it more than those seeking traditional publishing! After all, the traditional publisher will get your books into the brick and mortar establishments, so the idle buyer who walks by and sees your book may thumb through it and buy it.

You’re not so fortunate in self publishing. I can scroll through the myriads of self published books on amazon and read the descriptions, and be far more reluctant to impulse buy – simply because I know these books have gone through no scrutiny by an editor to determine if it was ready for publishing. I don’t know if the promise of what I’m seeing has been fulfilled or not.

In other words, the very nature of self published books makes it a harder sell. I’ll tell you a success story I did read, and how much work has gone into it – the Small Dojo Big Profits book by Mike Massie. Literally, Mike mastered the art of writer’s platform, creating websites, writing blog entries, twitter, linkedin profile, and even a podcast.

Mike has probably made a good chunk of cash selling these books, plus related premium content on rotating curriculum and summer camps for kids. Now, before you eagerly think this can be your success story as well, let me tell you the rest of the story.

I looked at his ads probably ten times before I ordered his books. I still don’t have all of them.

Mike found a very real problem, found the answer, and wrote a book to address it. He should be selling a great deal more of them than he is. If you teach martial arts, you need to own and study Massie’s books. And I plan on buying Buzz Durkin’s book as well.

Massie’s books are one of the few self published books I’ve bought. If I had to look at his web site ten times before buying, then what chance does the average self published author have who does not have an active platform like Massie?

Answer: Slim to none.


If traditional published authors require a writers’ platform, even more the self published author. In a world where so many voices call constantly for our attention to buy their product, you cannot sell anything without adding your unique voice to the others. If you remain silent, so will your sales. It’s time to embrace an active social media platform, and begin building your tribe!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author