The Decision to Self Publish My First Fiction Series

The news is out. I’ve decided at long last to self publish my first series of novels.


Most writers choose to self publish on simple grounds, which don’t really apply to me. Let’s look at what they are:

  • No rejection. Many writers self publish so that they don’t have to risk rejection. They know they will be rejected, because they’re too hasty and (0ften) too lazy to edit their novels. “I wrote it, it’s done, Amen.” If you edit your novel properly, you won’t be. It’s that simple.
  • Vanity – you want to see your book in print. Often, there’s good reason for it – it’s those people who ask you, “writer, huh? What have you published? How many books you got out?” Most people don’t understand it’s like saying, “I’m a college football player.” “Really? You play the superbowl yet?” Many many writers work at writing for YEARS before getting published – and only 1% of those will get here.

Those don’t apply to me. I realized recently that since my books are faith based, only a faith based publisher will publish them. And since they contain a great deal of violence, I’ll automatically be rejected by almost every faith based literary agent. No agent, no publish. It’s not a fear of rejection – it’s a guarantee of rejection.

I could sit on my books and not sell them. Having this web site, the Twitter account, and getting some articles published in faith based magazines fulfills my desire to see my name in print. Been there, got the t-shirt. I’ve seen my name in print.

I don’t write Christian Romance. I don’t write Christian devotionals. I don’t write about Amish. Those are the three biggest selling faith based genres, so it vastly stacks the odds against my getting published – not on the quality of my work, but on the genre I write.

I write Apocalyptic novels – driven to do it because I read someone else’s series and was completely dissatisfied with them. With apologies to Jerry Jenkins, it wasn’t the route I’d have taken. Writing the series is a massive undertaking, and I applaud him for a great deal of success.

Because of this, I realized a while ago I’d have to get them self published – I’ve just been delaying the inevitable. So now, I’m announcing the decision publicly, to force myself into activity. Hoping to have the first novel for sale by December first, but we’ll see. I want to have the first three books ready all at the same time – that way, you know I’ll finish the rest (plus, that forces me to get the last ones done).

So hold me accountable. Encourage me. Hassle me about, “how’s the editing coming?” Keep my nose to the laptop, so I can get this done.

I’ll need beta readers, so if you want one for free, let me know!

Whew. That’s a load off, to announce this.

Excuse me while I go write and edit.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author