Re-reads and Edits

A lot of you who aren’t writers don’t know this – a writer’s favorite way to edit and revise your book is to sit and read it.

If I don’t like reading my own book, I’m not even going to try selling it to an agent or a publisher. And I’m certainly not going to go through the process of writing it as a screenplay!

Before doing this, make sure you have a snapshot of every scene, so that if you decide you didn’t like a change as much, you can go back.

The easy way to do this is to get into the Scrivenings display in Scrivener and click on Manuscript. The program will sit there for about 5 minutes. Good time to get up and go get water, coffee, go to the bathroom.

When you get back, the ENTIRE BOOK is available for viewing. Now start reading.

Start changing things.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author