
It really only takes a month of doing something to make it a personal habit.

I’ve heard 21 days. Recently I’ve read 28 days. The truth is, the more complicated a task, the longer it takes to make it a habit.

Writing consistently merely means opening Scrivener and typing.

Once you get to that point, the rest is easy.

So that just means get into a routine. Check email, Zillow, news. Check in with your writers group.

Set time limits for each. 15 minutes max.

TIME! this is the important part. if during the time you’re trying to set a habit you allow the time limit to be pushed, the habit never starts.

[Tweet “Open Scrivener. Pick a scene or chapter and start writing.”]

You may need to set reminders. If you use Outlook as your scheduler, then set time reminders. Schedule yourself RIGIDLY during that first month!

Open Scrivener. Pick a scene or chapter and start writing.

It’s that simple. But boy oh boy you have to be DEDICATED that first month to the schedule. After that, it becomes a permanent habit.

[Tweet “NOTHING can be allowed to interfere with your writing schedule.”]

NOTHING can be allowed to interfere with the time limits or schedule during that first month.

If you can do this – you’ve got it!

And your book will be written in a couple of months!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author