Nationally Syndicated

It would be fun to have a nationally syndicated newspaper column, so I could be like Mark Patinken. I mean, you could just do an Andy Rooney and complain about coffee creamer, and people would laugh.

How would I do that? Well, I’m already doing it for free on my blog! All it would take is research to find out what I need to do, what do I need to break into it, and… do it!

What kinds of things are you thinking about, that it would be fun to do? I knew people who obsess about car engines, about hot air ballooning, about horse riding. These of course are not the same person, but what if it was?

I never really got into the whole “buckaroo bonzai” movie that some people did – that’s the guy who was a doctor, an adventurer, and who played in a bar band. But apparently, it’s the story of my life. “Nicholas Reicher. Coffee Drinker. Martial Artist. Screenwriter. Novelist. Fight Choreographer. History Buff. Model Train enthusiast.”

I remember at one point I wanted to learn to do Hebrew illuminated manuscripts. So I got a pen, some colored ink, and parchment paper, and I began to work on my Hebrew skills. I was even going to learn to inlay gold foil to it! I got so-so at it, but decided that I didn’t want to spend the time it would take to learn to get really good at it.

But I tried it.

The point is, if you want to learn ballroom dancing, find out what it is you need to learn – and do it. Want to be a black belt? That’s easy, just takes dedication. Learn morse code? Sure! Survivalist? Research and experiment.

Find out what it is in your life you’re interested in. There’s no reason you can’t do everything. Understand all it takes is research, learning, practicing, applying. And if after six months you decide “Yeah… this is really more work than I’m interested in…” You gave it a try.

Better to try and fail than never try.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author